10th TAIS AWARDS:Jan Řepka:Jarda „Trabandita“ Svoboda:Katka Máliková:Monika Satková & Snowdrop:Maella:Muff

Jan Řepka
Jarda „Trabandita“ Svoboda
Katka Máliková
Monika Satková & Snowdrop

Wednesday 22/02/2017 from 19:00

Annual International Session without borders. There will perform musicians from Slovakia, Czech Rrepublic and Danmark. Concerts are part of Tais Awards. Speaker: Tomáš Berka.

7 pm - Jan Řepka (CZ)

7:17 pm - Katarína Máliková (SK)

7:25 pm - Jarda „Trabandita“ Svoboda (CZ)

8:30 pm  - Monika Satková & Snowdrop (SK) (alternative music)

10 pm - Maella (CZ/DK) (folk - alternative pop)

11 pm - Muff (CZ) (exeprimental groove music)

Whole evening admission seating CZK 300, standing CZK 200. 


Maella (CZ/DK)

Maella is a young singer/songwriter studying in London at a music school BIMM (The British Irish Modern Music Institute). Once described as a “sultry grunge chick disguised beneath a pretty blonde barnet.” Maella will perform with an international band, consisting of Prague based musicians as well as her guitar player Sofie Veie Plauborg from London.  Maella expresses her emotional experiences in her lyrics and conveys them through a distinctive music genre that consists of alternative pop, rock and rhythm and blues. Maella received a Tais Award in 2015 for the best Singer/Songwriter and played on one stage along with Ormonde (US) and Last Harbour (UK)

Michaela Charvátová/Maella — voc, g, Sofie Veie Plauborg (DK) — g, Miloš Peter Klápště — b, Roman Vícha — dr, Albert Romanutti — keys.

Band website: www.taisawards.com

alternative music
On-line ticket