Justin Lavash - Solo

Justin Lavash - Solo

Thursday 21/12/2017 from 19:00

Justin Lavash (born London 1968) has been based in Prague for ten years during which time he has established himself as a must-see act on the Czech music scene and abroad. His music crosses borders – somewhere between blues, folk and jazz. His phenomenal guitar playing has left many audiences wondering how so much polyphony can be made by one man on one instrument. Lavash identifies himself as a fingerstyle guitarist, following in the footsteps of British folk guitar gurus like Richard Thompson or John Martyn, but he is of a younger generation and traces of New Wave and even dance culture can be found in his music. Prior to living in the Czech Republic Lavash worked as a guitarist in south London's jazz scene in the 90s and later in the last years of the British Cabaret scene, backing acts whose names shall not be mentioned. His voice is deep and raw and entices the listener to sit and absorb the beautiful songs this artist has penned.

Admission seating CZK 200, standing CZK 150.

Band website: www.justinlavash.com

blues - jazz - folk
On-line ticket