Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet Reunited

Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet Reunited

Friday 25/11/2016 from 22:00

No need to introduce this Hammond organ player, nor his Organic Quartet, to jazz fans. During the band's peak in Czech Republic, they were something of a pop-star amidst jazz lovers. It's been almost 8 years since this musician-visionary moved to New York in order to learn side-by-side to the jazz giants, gospel choirs in Harlem and beyond, and breathed in some soul and r'n'b. Also the other three Organic Quartet members worked hard on polishing their skills: guitarist Libor Smoldas both in the USA and Australia; drummer Tomas Hobzek in Berlin; saxophonist Jakub Dolezal in Amsterdam. A great many fans have asked "when is Ondrej coming," and many had to listen to the existing CDs and hope that he's indeed "coming back." Spring and Summer 2016 saw this ingenious hammond organist perform at several concert series in UK with honey-voiced singer Gregory Porter (USA) including the famous Glastonbury festival. He also played together with Swiss harmonica player Grégoire Maret at North Sea Jazz Festival as well as in Montreaux just this past Summer. Autumn 2016 will see him visit his motherland Czech Republic and on another tour with Gregory Porter over Europe - he's simply unstoppable! Don't miss these Prague shows at Jazz Dock.

Ondřej Pivec - Hammond Organ,

Libor Šmoldas – Guitar,

Jakub Doležal – Sax,

Tomáš Hobzek – Drums.


Admission seating CZK 400, standing CZK 300.

Band website: www.ondrejmusic.com

jazz – fusion - soul
On-line ticket