EDA – Charity concert

EDA – Charity concert

Tuesday 21/11/2023 from 19:00

Charity concert With glasses or without glasses again at the Jazz Dock club! The non-profit organization EDA is organizing a charity concert in our club this year, the proceeds of which will be used to support Early Care EDA. EDA provides support, assistance and connections to families in which a child with visual or combined disabilities grows up to the age of seven. During the evening, among other things, there will be a chance to win attractive prizes in a raffle! For EDU and its friends, Mucha and Adovany will play.

Whole evening admission – standing only CZK 250. No club discounts. Thank you for understanding.


Band website: www.eda.cz

charity concert
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.